Related article: Messrs. F. W. Warre and C. J. D.
Goldie have been elected Presi-
dents of the O.U.B.C. and
C.U.B.C. respectively for the en-
suing year. This is ample testi-
mony to their personal popularity
and capabilities as oarsmen alike.
Putting all this aside, however,
never was Ibsen's heredity theory
so triumphantly vindicated before.
The late Mr. J. H. Goldie Paroxetine 10 Mg and
Dr. Warre (the present Head-
master of Eton), their fathers,
were both Old Etonians, both
" Old Blues," and both held the
same responsible office in their
day and generation ! Another
item Paroxetine 40mg of news peculiarly refreshing
is that Cantab oarsmen are sub-
scribing largely Paroxetine 30mg to the fund started
for the purpose of presenting Mr.
W. A. L. Fletcher with a testi-
monial. That Cantab oarsmen
owe the famous Oxonian oarsman
and coach a Paroxetine Tablets deep Paroxetine Discontinuation debt of grati-
tude is patent enough, and we
are rejoiced to note they are going
to show it in such a 20 Mg Paroxetine tangible
fashion. Of subsequent develop- Paroxetine Buy
ments anon. Congratulations also
to Lord Justice A. L. Smith, the
Old Cambridge rowing " Blue,"
upon receiving the somewhat
unique honour of election as Presi-
dent of the M.C.C. !
The lawn -tennis clubs have
opened auspiciously since our last,
matches against Lancashire, Rock-
ferry, Kent County, &c, having
been played. So far the Ox-
onians 10 Mg Paroxetine appear the most consistent
team, especially at Singles work,
and we anticipate their victory at
Queen's Club on June 30th and
July 1 st. There is not much in
it up to date between the swim-
ming and water - polo teams —
neither is quite first-class this
year — and we shall expect to find
honours divided in the represen-
tative matches at the Bath Club,
London, on June 24th. Cam-
bridge should excel in the water-
polo, and Oxford in the swimming
items. Of polo (proper) nothing
definite can yet be spoken of re-
spective strength. Judging from
the unusual keenness displayed
either way, however, there is no
chance of another runaway vic-
tory for Oxford at Hurlingham
this year. How many old parlia-
mentary hands will be available
is not yet known, and the Paroxetine 30 same
with tennis proper ; in fact, pros-
pects in both directions are yet
in nubibus. All in good time.
General news may be very
briefly dismissed. Once again
the value of a thew-and-thought
' curriculum has been evidenced at
Oxford. The names of promi-
nent sportsmen simply abounded
in the Classical Honours Modera-
tion Lists ! To the deep satisfac-
tion of Oxonians all, Mr. J. P.
Heywood - Lonsdale has been
elected M.F.H. on the Bicester
and Warden Hill Hunt, vice the
Earl of Cottenham (another Ox-
onian), resigned. The old* Varsity
coxswain is still exceedingly popu-
lar with Dark Blues, hence a
pretty big exodus of Oxonians is
assured three or four days of the
week next season to Bicester.
By the way, under the new rules
— vide Baily of last month — they
are exempt from the fees hence-
forth to be enforced by that
Hunt. Congratulations to Sir
William Anson, a fine sportsman
and capital judge of a horse, upon
his election as M.P. for Oxford
University. Ditto to Sir G. G.
Stokes, who for the past fifty
years has been Professor of Mathe-
matics at Cambridge, upon the
testimonial to be presented to
him Paroxetine Hydrochloride on June 1st. " Extremes
meet," we are told, and few
would think this popular Pro-
fessor Fluoxetine Paroxetine favoured sport in any shape
or form. Yet go Paroxetine 10mg for a good ride
with him down Cottenham way
or towards Balsham, and you will
be surprised at the length and
depth of his knowledge of men
and matters in this direction.
Golf. — The Royal and Ancient
Club has adopted the prudent
course of approving in principle
the new and amended rules of the
game, and deferring until the
Autumn Meeting their considera-
tion in detail. This arrangement
gives the Rules Committee ample
time to consider the criticisms
made upon its work and if
thought desirable to revise it in
the light of these criticisms.
The Ladies' Open Champion-
ship has been won by Miss Hezlet ;
of the Royal Portrush Club, who
is the youngest champion, not only
of her own but of either sex, ever
known in the annals of the Buy Paroxetine game.
She is seventeen years of age, and,
as a matter of fact, celebrated
her seventeenth birthday on the
Saturday before her great success.
In 1895, that is to say when she
was twelve or thirteen years of
age, she took part in the cham-
pionship meeting at Portrush.
Miss Hezlet is therefore to be
ranked as a golfing Use Of Paroxetine prodigy. She
was Paroxetine 40 somewhat favoured Paroxetine 30 Mg in the
matter of Paroxetine Fluoxetine position in the draw, but
when it came Paroxetine Mg to the final round
she had to meet the redoubtable
Miss Magill, of the County Down
Club, and against her she played
a game which is described by all
the critics in terms of the highest
With the exception of Park, of
North Berwick, all the leading
professionals took part in a tour-
nament at Richmond, got up by
the Mid-Surrey Club. It was the
biggest thing of the kind ever
arranged, and it was marked by
conspicuous success. The great
feature of the Paroxetine 20mg play was the per-
formance of Harry Vardon, open
champion in the qualifying com-
petition when he did the two
rounds of a course, which certainly
is not deficient in length, though it
may lack hazards, in 144 strokes,
or exactly an average of four
strokes per hole. This score put
him no fewer than 11 strokes in
front of the second man, Jack
White, of Seaford, and 17 strokes
in front of J. H. Taylor, who is
now the professional at Richmond
and consequently had a great
advantage over the other com-
petitors in the Paroxetine 40 Mg matter of knowledge
of the green. In the subsequent
match played Vardon beat in sac-
cession Braid, of Romford,
Alexander Herd, of Huddersfieki,
and Rowe, of Ashdown. The
prize-money Vardon carried off
was ^50, which is about four times